Saturday, January 29, 2011

Question for 2/3 Blog Post #3

How does this sculpture embody the classical Greek values of simplicity, restraint and balance? Think of these values in contrast to those NOT esteemed by the classical Greeks: complexity, excess and instability.


  1. The simplicity, restraint, and balance in this sculpture embodies the classical Greek values due to it's clean flowing lines. It shows restraint by the way the body is positioned. There is a masculent, yet calm feeling that it is revealed. It's simplicity is exspressed by the relaxed and tranquil posture. The balance, however, is shown by the angles in the shoulders, elbows, and knees.

  2. This sculpture is an example of the "high classical" style. It shows a snapshot of a body in motion and a good representation of musculature. The face has a serious contemplative realism not found in the smiles of the earlier Archaic sculptures. It also appears to be in the Doryphoros canon where the limbs are in mathematical proportion to the overall size of the sculpture. All of this embodies the classical Greek values. The success of the Greek polis allowed for specialized skillsets and advancement of the arts. I believe urban life an its abundancies brought on a new set of social problems and the time to ponder the morality of it all. The writers and sculptors of Greece were warning of the pitfalls of an excessive complex life. The idealistic nature of this sculpture was maybe meant as a high water mark or an aspiration.

  3. This sculpture is a perfect representation of classical greek values. Just by looking at it, you can see it shows simplicity, restraint, and balance. You can see balance in this sculpture in the way his arms and legs are shown. His arm looks as if it is in motion. This sculpture shows simplicity in the way he looks. He seems relaxed and very poised. You can also see restraint in the sculpture by looking at the way he is positioned. He appears to show both strength and asthetic beauty.

  4. This picture embodies simplicity because it is serene and simple, it has a calming affect and is very elegant. It has restraint because it inhibits a little loss of freedom, but not totally gone. It balances out the state of equilibrium.

  5. This statue captures the simplicity and restraint of ancient Greek culture. The figure shown is most likely an athlete or deity. He is the form of the ideal Greek human yet he's is depicted in a simplified, relaxed and calm position, an example of the humanism of ancient Greece.

  6. I believe, this art shows Classical Greek values of simplicity by how it is illistrated. The guy is relaxed and is wearing no clothes. He does appeared to be restrained a bit by his shield as if he is one with it. As for the balance, I believe he is at a equal state of motion on his side. Very nice piece of art!

  7. When I first saw this sculputre I mmeadiatley thought of the Greeks. This sculture has a very naturalistic look to it that matches many other sculptures of the Greek culture. In the simplicity aspect, there is just a man and his shield and with anything else going on. I think balance is being shown in a way that isn't easily noticed. The man is being held up by multiple points, like his shield, hand, leg, hip, and foot.

  8. This sculpture is a good representation of the Greek values in simplicity, restraint, and balance. This sculpture seems to be like a picture taken of someone in motion. This position he appears to be in shows his masculinity, yet in a calm way revealing his restraint. His simplicity is shown by his relaxed posture. Both of these result in his balance. You can tell by the angle of his body all through out that he has a relaxed and calm control over his body.

  9. This sculpture represents classical Greek art by the design of the man. It shows simplicty by how relaxed his shoulders and legs are. He seems to be restrained a little by his sheild. I think his balance is shown by the way he is positioned. -amber cobb

  10. samantha sandy said

    "The sculpture depicts each of those characteristics in that it is a simple design without a lot of distractions. There is detail and it is clear that a lot of time was put into the making of the sculpture but there isn't a lot of extra design or "fluff" that would take away from the main focus of the piece. The classical Greeks were well-disciplined and showed a lot of restraint which is clearly shown in the muscular structure of the soldier and in the way he is posed. Though he is holding a shield and wearing a helmet it looks as though he is also either reading or writing showing the importance of the balance the classical Greeks valued between physical and educational training."

  11. This sculpture is a perfect representation of classical greek values. Just by looking at it, you can see it shows simplicity, restraint, and balance. You can see the great strong classical built sculpture.

  12. His shield symbolizes he is protected even though he is not wearing armor, this shows the simplicity of the war. He has fallen but his clenched hand on the ground indicates he has not left the battle and, is about to approach it once more. The sculpture also shows progression made towards realistic depictions of life.

  13. This sculpture embodies balance, and simplicity, as does Classical Greek sculptures. It displays perfect balance. The weight is distributed equally thought out the sculpture, giving it a naturalistic and humanistic form. This sculpture is simple, eaving the balance and harmony qualities easily portrayed.

  14. The simple, elegant design of the statue shows the advances in art of there time. The man is in a simple, relaxing pose. His limbs are in perfect balance. With the shield is a restraint but also helps support the overall sculpture. Also the details in the face and body shows a new realistic and life like canon which sets the style of future sculptures

  15. This sculpture just screamed Greek to me when I first laid eyes in it. Even though is just a guy with a shield and there really isn't anything else going on, this picture also can shoe the struggle for ones freedom. The man is down on the ground with a shield that can show how a man is defending what he believes in. The sculpture is a perfect representation of classical Greek values. It shows simplicity, restraint, and balance.

  16. This sculpture reflects the classical Greek elements of balance, simplicity and restraint in its entirety. From the position of the individual showing tranquility to his simple captivity to the shield he holds all find balance through the unique design. I believe that this sculpture is meant to express the Greek culture as a whole, and by reflecting these few values it succeeds. The importance of finding a balance in such important areas as those expressed is ultimately obtained which also always for a superior work of art.

  17. well i see it as everyone else,,But i`d say it`s just a simple statue of motion,showing a strong greek that looks old falling down.

  18. This is an example of Greek art. The shield he is holding is showing he is defending his beliefs and moral values. It looks as if he is balancing on his arm and the sheild. The body looks relaxed although to me that would be a hard position to hold.

  19. I feel like this is a great example of classical Greek sculpture. You can easily see that the man seems to be in the midst of a struggle, which is common for that time. The sculpture is balanced throughout the length, with the man balancing himself on the shield. The proportions of the of the figures were beautifully carved in perfect proportion. The man is not overly detailed; the work is very precise, and yet still very simple. There are no decorative extravagances. The man's face does not show much emotion as he gazes towards the ground, with a very plain look on his face.

  20. This sculpture embodies the Greek values of simplicity because the man is not clothed and has only a shield but even though he is so plain he seems to be very real because of all the detail. The muscle definition is shown through the flowing lines sculpted for his body, and also he seems to be thinking or planning which adds reality to it. The value of restraint is shown by how the man is laying on the ground using the shield as though it was part of his body, but his armor and other weapons aren't shown at all besides his helmet, and the sculptor could have added all of these but didn't because it would have taken away from the man himself. The value of balance is shown through the use of symmetry and the use of proportions to make the mans body and to make the shield a relative size to him. Also the man looks like he is using the shield as though it was a part of him to maintain the balanced position he is lying in.

  21. This piece shows the balance and resraint that is commonly featured in the classical Greek scupltures of their time. This sculpture seems to depict a soldier who has fallen in battle. Though he has fallen, he's posture and position give off a more relaxed feel to it. It might indicate his familararity in combat and he fluently begins to pick himself up, using the shield to help.

  22. #3
    In the Temple of Aphaia there is a picture of what appears to be a Fallen Solider. In the picture you can see resistance in his face of not wanting to go down without putting up a strong fight, even though he may be already emotionally drained. He is on one leg showing his balance is great along with a body structure that leaves an impression of a strong solider. The details in the face as well as the clothing have increased over the years leaving more of a descriptive character for that time period. jeffery z.

  23. (Clint McGalliard) The artwork itself is simple and calming, the body is balanced in that it is postured and well proportioned. This art peace also seems simple because there is not much going on around the statue it seems somewhat bland in a way and I think the shield may symbolize restraint.

  24. Comments for credit closed 2/10/2011 midnight
