Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blog post 7 due noon 3/17

And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in Heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads (Revelation, 12.1-3)

The Book of Revelation of St John was written in the last part of the 1st century AD, probably during the persecution of Christians carried out under either the Roman emperor Nero or Domitian. The concept of the Apocalypse, finds roots in the later books of the Old Testament, most notably in the Book of Daniel.

These two illustrations are not only centuries apart, they were created for very different reasons. One is an illustrated Apocalypse commissioned by Eleanor of Provence and reflects the interest of elite women of the court during the late Middle Ages. The other illustrates the same subject, but was produced by monks living in the Asturias region of Spain, isolated from the culture of the rest of continental and insular Europe. Pushed to the edge of Spain by the Umayyad Dynasty, the monks in Spain perhaps transferred the destructive symbolism of the Book of Revelation to the Islamic rulers. In their isolation, they saw the approaching turn of the millennium as the fulfillment of end time prophecy. (Their illustrations are heavily indebted to Islamic stylistic traits.)

Compare the two illustrations. You should be able to tell the courtly one from the one produced by those waiting for the end of the world. Keep in mind the entertainment value placed on religious illustrations by women of the court. These women were also the chief audience for Medieval Romances like Tristan and Isolde and the Legends of King Arthur.

Which style do you think more appropriate for an illustration of the Apocalypse?


  1. I believe the first picture shows more of the end time (Apocalypse) showing in the top right the final home we will all go to. It shows more people going to this final resting place. The second picture reflects more flowers and one person who appears to have no fear of the beast coming towards her.

  2. Both pictures show the end of the world. The first one has people with spears fighting the serpent like beasts like they are trying to change their fate. The second picture with the woman sitting with no fear as the serpent creature comes closer to her is acceptance. I feel that the second picture is saying that the world is going to end no point in fighting against it.

  3. I would guess the first illustration was done by the monks waiting for the end of the world. It depicts several different stories of the apocalypse. It reads more like a story than a snapshot. It seems to be concerened with all aspects of the apocalypse. The other illustration is from a woman's point of view. The top frame shows a woman giving her baby to an angel as apocalypse draws near. This shows the womans concern is motherly and not very worldly. The second frame shows a woman at peace in nature as the apocalypse closes in. Once again it seems to appeal to a females point of view.

  4. The first picture is more worldly because there are more poeple in the picture. In the sencond piece there is only one person. The second one could be more metephorical, whereas, this first one includes more than one individual.

  5. Both of these images depict the apocalypse well. If I had to pick which image did a more efficent depiction, I would have to say the first image done by the monks better shows the end of the world.I also find it facinating and interesting as well. It shows the beast being a more cile and demented creature. Also, it depicts the bodies of the fallen victims who have come in contact with this dreaded creature.The second image seems to show the woman as being somewhat accepting of what will soon come as the beast slowly approaches to devour her. She seems more heavenly or perhaps angelic. The image does not seem to convey the reality and fear to the person as the first image does.


  7. The first illustration, I believe to be by the monks, depicts the final conflict between Heaven, Earth, and Hell known as the Apocalypse. This illustration displays both symbolic characters of good and evil, each at attention with one another. The second image displays both symbolic characters with no acknowledgment of each others presences, both at rest, waiting for their final conflict against Heaven, Earth, and Hell.

  8. The first one is more explicit. The naked bodies are lying on the ground helpless while the dragon is in motion. In the second picture the dragon is static, not aggressive on his takers. The women also have their angels for protection and are still seating as if the dragon will disappear. The first painting has a greater degree of realism because without even looking at both paintings one knows the basic concept of the apocalypse. The first painting only enhances our vision of the end of days. I think if somebody didn't know about the end of days they would have a different view about the paintings.

  9. While both of the images depict the end of the world I think that the first was created in response to a group of people waiting for the end. The first depiction is darker and seems to have elements if evil and a sense of fear. The second shows the end as calm and awaited. The separate takes on the end of the world are characterized in the depiction of fear in the first and anticipation in the second. The first however seems to illustrate a society awaiting that day specifically.

  10. I feel that both are good depictions of the Apocalypse. They are of course very different but I feel like they are a good example of how different cultures have different perspectives. I think that the 1st illustration is probably by the monks, only because I feel like the 2nd is in a sense more romantic. The elegant flowers, the way the figure has a depressed look, and the use of the colors seem to have less of an urgency feel to me. In my opinion the the first picture seems more dramatic, and normally I would think that women would tend to be more dramatic, but I just get the feeling that it is more likely the women that did the 2nd painting. I guess it just seems more girlie to me

  11. I feel that the first picture shows a better depiction of the end of time. The first one was done by the monks. The first one has people sitting around almost dreading the end. The second picture looks like the lady is not even worried about it.

  12. The top one is obiviously the apocalypse for the people either as if they are readying for the worst and the bottom one the person does not look at all worried or even aware of whats happening. And the top seems more dreadful while the bottom seems more at peace and relaxed

  13. I think the first picture was created by the monks. It looks like the people are fighting the creature, like trying to save themselves from the Apocalypse. The second picture, the lady looks peaceful and not worried about the end of time.

  14. Samantha M. The illustrations are completely different. It is very apparent which was commissioned by Eleanor of Provence and which was created by the monks. The illustration by the monks is more graphic and gives off a more serious vibe. The coloring in the piece is basic and very toned down compared to that of Eleanor of Provence. Her piece is more elegant and fanciful with very bright colors leaning more toward a cheerful feeling. I think the monk’s style is more appropriate for depicting the Apocalypse. It is very graphic and the illustrations follow very closely to what is written in the book of Revelations.

  15. I think the top one is representing the apocalypse because it seems like the people in the painting are getting ready to embrace some sort of an attack, and their body language makes it look like their in fear. The bottom one seems to be of a calm piece, kind of just embracing what is their and not fearing what is about to happen

  16. The first one shows more death to an extreme but they do show a savior. The second has the same exact monster as the first picture yet isnt showing death but salvation. All the pictures are showing an apocalypse. Barbara T. N/C

  17. In these two illustrations I think the second one show the people waiting for the end of the world to be on its way. They seem to be praying and getting away from the object moving in from the left side to the right. There also appears to be some sort of spiritual figure next to them assisting in comfort that everything will be fine. I think the first illustration is more fitting for the Apocalypse since there is a sense of more chaos going on and what appears to be people that have already passed away below at the bottom of the page. Since no one knew what the end of time felt like this could be a representation showing the possibilities of what could happen during this era. Jeffrey Z. (credit)

  18. (Clint McGalliard)I think both images are similar in ways but also portray a different vibe.The first image seems to indicate that the people are under attack and will fight to survive while the second image seems to show the people excepting their fate as if it's the end of days. I would say the second image leans more towards an apocalypse, it gives the feeling that nothing can be done to save themselves.

  19. I think that the first image is a better image for depicting the apocolypse because when the apocolypse comes it is going to be crazy. Also almost every theory or story concerning the apocolypse uses either some type of freak natural phenomenon or it uses some type of creature to explain the cause, which is shown in the first image. The second image seems too peaceful because I dont think that many people would just sit there and accept it.
